Creepy photos of Chernobyl

I think there are very few people, who haven't heard something about the monumental Chernobyl disaster that occurred in 1986 in Ukraine, when an explosion at a nuclear power plant sent out massive amounts of nuclear material into the atmosphere. It ruined and destroyed the lives of many unfortunate people located around the plant and it tarnished the name of nuclear power forever. 

With the situation at Japan's Fukushima I nuclear power plant as it is, you can't help but see some parallels between these two accidents and hope and pray that, in the future, pictures as depressing as these will never become Japan's own historical accounts of a horrible disaster that once struck there.  

More pictures follow.

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  1. I remember watching a history channel special on this and how everyone just left, there were still blankets and such at the soccer stadium

  2. Yeah, this is really sad..

    The most sad part is that the Fukushima accident is much worse than Chernobyl, yet we are told that its all fine and dandy... :(

  3. Chernobyl is a scary god damned place. I have friends who have taken the tour, and none of them came back without nightmares

  4. What powerful pictures. Thanks so much for posting them.

  5. the aftermath of chernobyl always intrigued me. great pics.

  6. What a creepy ghost town. That is.. intriguing!

  7. Wow, makes you really think about how it was like.

  8. Chernobyl is one the places that I want to visit. I can only wonder what it must be like...

    Creepy pictures!

  9. Gives me chills.. Thanks for sharing though

  10. eerie pictures, it's always sad to see children stuff lying around. For some stupid reason I never realized it snowed there...
